Evil Baby
So, you think babysitting’s a breeze? Try Evil Baby. It’s a game where you’re watching this cute little kiddo in a creepy house. But here’s the twist: this isn’t your average baby. Things get weird fast. One minute you’re changing diapers, and the next, you’re chasing this little escape artist through dark halls.
Night Shift Drama
The game keeps you on your toes with simple tasks that turn bizarre. Feed the baby? Check. But why are all the lights flickering? Put the baby to bed? Got it. But why does it keep vanishing? Every task leads to heart-racing moments that make you question your decision to take this babysitting gig.
Not Your Typical Sitcom
As the nights progress, so does the intensity. Each level ups the ante with more odd happenings and freaky surprises. You’ll need to use your wits to keep up with this baby’s antics. Grab your courage, keep a close eye on that tricky tot, and whatever you do, don’t look away for too long. Ready to see if you can handle the challenge? Let’s go watch that baby!