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Dive into MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE, where heroes clash with villains in explosive battles. Form a trio and harness the power of teamwork to outlast 24 players in this intense battle royale. Your communication, strategic thinking, and Quirk mastery are your tickets to victory.

Harness Your Hero’s Power

Select from a colorful roster split into five strategic archetypes: Strike, Assault, Rapid, Technique, and Support. Tailor your team’s strategy around each character’s unique Quirk to gain the upper hand in skirmishes.

Loot, Level Up, Dominate

Roam the dynamic battlefield to gather powerful items and resources. Engage with NPCs for unique advantages, and vanquish foes to bolster your powers. Every collected item could be the difference between defeat and survival.

Unlock and Customize

Progress through the game to unlock a plethora of characters and aesthetic upgrades. Complete daily and seasonal missions to earn rewards and exclusive gear. Customize your heroes to stand out in the arena or blend in for tactical advantage.

Seasonal Refreshes Keep You on Your Toes

With each new season, MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE introduces fresh content, from characters to costumes. Stay engaged with continuous updates that reshape the landscape of your battles and strategies.

*Note: MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE requires an active online connection for all gameplay. The game is subject to updates and changes, which may occur without prior notification

🧑‍🦱For Boys

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